Threadhead Patry Ticket Conditions
All sales are final, but tickets are transferable. The event will proceed irrespective of weather conditions. No refunds will be made should a ticket-holder opt not to attend due to inclement weather
** Attendees under age 21 permitted only when accompanied by a responsible adult or guardian **
Anti-scalping policy: Under no circumstances may tickets be re-sold for any amount in excess of the $100 face value. Any tickets that are re-sold above face value will be deemed null and void, with no refund given, not to mention really bad karma for the seller. By submitting this form, you agree to these terms.
All patrons are encouraged to stay up to date on current public health recommendations and be respectful of other attendees around them.
The Patry reserves the right to enforce any health policy standard as required or recommended by government or venue guidelines, including refusal of entry or removal of offending attendees(s) from the venue at any time.
This ticket is sold on the express condition that the holder is bound by the rules & regulations issued by the organizers. By purchasing this ticket you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions contained herein and on the accompanying information page as well as any other conditions specified by us on our website or booking forms.
Ticket-holder MUST show Photo ID at the entrance bearing the same name as those registered for their ticket.
NO REFUNDS on tickets.
Those aged under 21 must be accompanied by a responsible parent or adult guardian aged over 25 years at all times (within reason) while at the festival. A parent/guardian may accompany a maximum of 2 minors. The parent or adult guardian will be responsible for both the safety and actions of patrons under 21.
Patrons wishing to consume alcohol must have valid photo ID. The only acceptable forms of ID are photo driver’s license, proof of age card or current passport. Anyone found supplying or buying alcohol for a minor will be evicted from the event & may face criminal charges. Any minor found consuming or in possession of alcohol will face similar action.
The promoter or venue shall not be held liable for any loss, injury or damages sustained entering or on the site.
Patrons must not cause damage to, improperly use or tamper with any public facility or event infrastructure. Nor should they remove or attempt to remove any item or object from the venue or surrounding area.
Patrons must not cause any damage to flora and fauna on or surrounding the venue or enter any onsite bodies of water.
Patrons will be removed from the site if they behave in a threatening or inappropriate manner (aggressive, riotous, abusive, or insulting actions) towards other patrons or event staff.
The event will proceed irrespective of weather conditions. No refunds will be made should a ticket-holder opt not to attend due to inclement weather.
Be nice or leave. 🙂
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