Round 15 Grants  ||  2023


Threadhead Cultural Foundation has completed its 2023 Round 15 grant application process.  Please visit our Projects page to read about the projects.

The 2024 Round 16 grant application period will be in the fall, usually in October and/or November.

If you have any issues or questions, please email


Past deadlines and key dates:

• Monday, October 9, 2023 – Grant application window opens
• Monday, October 30, 2023 – Grant applications submitted by mail must be postmarked
• Friday, November 3. 2023 – Grant applications due (hand-delivered or digital submissions)
• Weeks of November 13 and 27, 2023 – Grant review committee calls
• Early December, 2023 – Grant recipients announced

What Happens Next?

When will my application be considered?
Applications for 2023 grants will be considered by the THCF Grant Review Committee and Board of Directors between 11/4/23 and 12/3/23.  Grant awards will be announced the week of 12/4/23.

Successful Applications
When your application has been assessed by the THCF Grant Review Committee and Board of Directors, you will receive correspondence from us informing you of the Board’s decision. If you have been awarded a grant, this correspondence may also identify additional conditions of the grant being allocated to you. Included in this communication, you will also receive a Grant Recipient Agreement form which sets out the full conditions of the grant and any additional conditions. This Agreement should be signed by the grant applicant(s), who will be receiving and utilizing the grant funds. No grant monies will be paid out by THCF until the Grant Recipient Agreement is signed and returned to THCF. By signing the agreement, you are agreeing to the conditions set out therein, and failure to comply with these conditions may result in the grants being reclaimed by the grantor.  The conditions of the grant include the timely completion of a final report with the required supplemental materials documenting that the project was completed within the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Final reports should include: a narrative report, a completed budget showing all actual revenues and expenses associated with the project, including the grant funds, copies of materials crediting Threadhead Cultural Foundation as a sponsor or contributor, and copies of print or other media coverage, such as news articles, calendar listings and reviews. This information, which should be completed at the end of the project/activity, provides the Board of Directors with important information on how the grants are being spent. It also helps the Threadhead Cultural Foundation identify future priorities for targeting funding.

IMPORTANT: Before the Foundation will disburse grant funding to the grant recipients, the grant recipient must submit invoices, receipts or other documentation to confirm that the funds were used to produce the Project. The Foundation may pay for submitted expenses directly, or may reimburse the grant recipient, depending upon the needs of each specific project.

At the discretion of the Threadhead Cultural Foundation, any portion of the grant funds not disbursed as set forth herein by December 31, 2024, may no longer be available to any grant recipients who are not timely in completing their projects. Grant recipients are encouraged to communicate frequently with the Foundation regarding any delays or other unforeseen circumstances that may postpone completion of their projects

Please note:

  • No grant payments will be made until the signed Grant Recipient Agreement has been returned.
  • It is the responsibility of the grant applicant/recipient(s) to ensure that the form is completed and returned within the designated time frame.
  • Failure to provide the necessary information may result in the grant being reclaimed by the Foundation.

Visit our “Projects” page to learn about our successful grant applications from Round 15 and prior years.